Natural Therapy at Attain Holistic Health Fitness
For the health and well being of the whole person
Body, Mind and Spirit
Natural Therapies for “Every Body”
ATTAIN Holistic Health and Fitness focuses on therapies for ‘every body’ including Naturopathy, Hypnotherapy, Acupuncture, and Galvanic skin repair & anti-aging treatments.
You may also benefit from the ATTAIN Centre Power Tone Tables (Shapemaster).
These allow power-assisted exercise to become part of your exercise regime in a non-threatening relaxed atmosphere working at your body’s own capacity. They suit those people with limited exercise ability, post-rehabilitation from injury or illness and for those returning to exercise. By incorporating pilates style positioning the tables can also be used to enhance weight loss and body toning.
Weight Management
Strength & Conditioning
Stress Relief
Pain Relief
Emotional Healing
Injury Recovery
Hormone Rebalancing

Natural therapies designed to assist your own body to heal itself, naturally

Build self-confidence, change habits, lose weight, stop smoking, and much more

Homoeopathy works with the body’s immune system, stimulating the body’s natural tendency to heal itself

Personally created strength and conditioning programmes

Power assisted exercise tables perfect for those who are recovering from injury

Working with the healing energy fields around the body

View our range of relaxing meditation sessions
Our Centre
Located in a leafy suburb of Mandurah in Western Australia, our newly-renovated wellness centre provides a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere where our trained professional practitioners offer a range of therapies and programs to help you reach and maintain optimal health.
Our Practitioners
Our practitioners have a range of qualifications and many years’ combined experience in natural and complementary modalities such as Naturopathy, Homoeopathy, Hypnotherapy, and Reiki Healing.
Are you ready to ATTAIN your best health?
Latest News and Special Offers
3 Myths about hypnosis busted
Hypnotherapy is an increasingly popular method of addressing problems like smoking, depression, anxiety etc. Here we bust some of those myths and confusion regarding hypnotherapy.
Top benefits of massage therapy you should know about
Did you know that taking massage therapies regularly can actually make a huge difference to your health? Take a look at various health benefits of massage therapies that will make you get up and rush for a quick session.
Treatment for Unsightly Veins
“The veins on my legs are not as unsightly as they were after using the Galvanic Spa for 5 weeks and now I’m working my new Body Spa on them and although they are a work in progress the daily aching pain has gone!”